Tarot and Clairvoyance Advice:
How to Strengthen Your Spiritual Connection

Tarot reading and the practice of clairvoyance are powerful spiritual paths that can help those seeking guidance, clarity and answers to life's questions. Consulting a Tarot psychic can provide in-depth knowledge about your destiny, helping you make decisions with more confidence. However, the art of clairvoyance goes beyond cards. It involves sensitivity to capture energies, interpret signals and develop a deeper connection with the spiritual world.

In this article, we will explore how you can begin to develop your spiritual sensitivity, how to trust your intuition more, and how important it can be to seek guidance from an experienced psychic, like Dr. Fabia Silva.

How do you know if you are also a psychic?

If you've ever had an inexplicable feeling that something was about to happen, or if you tend to "feel" the energy of people around you, you may be showing signs of spiritual sensitivity. Many people who have the gift of clairvoyance do not realize this immediately. Instead, they discover it through practice and developing their intuition.

Here are some signs that indicate you may have the gift of clairvoyance:


• Strong Intuitions and Inexplicable Precisions: If you can predict events or sense something before it happens, this could be a sign that your spiritual sensitivity is in tune with the energies around you.< /h3>

• Clear and Repetitive Dreams: Many psychics receive important messages during dreams. If your dreams are vivid and seem to have a special meaning, it's worth paying attention.

• Physical and Emotional Sensations: Some people with mediumistic abilities can feel the energy of places and people. This can manifest as physical sensations, such as goosebumps, or intense emotions without an apparent cause.

If you have identified some of these signs in yourself, you may have the potential to develop your gift of clairvoyance. However, like any skill, it takes practice and dedication to strengthen this ability.

How to Strengthen Your Connection with the Spiritual World

The first step to strengthening your connection with the spiritual world is learning to trust your instincts. Here are some practices that can help:


1- Regular Meditation:Meditation is one of the most powerful tools for developing clairvoyance. It helps calm the mind, increase mental clarity and open oneself to receiving spiritual messages. Try meditating daily, even if it's just for 10 to 15 minutes.

2- Guided Visualizations: During meditation, try using visualizations to increase your spiritual connection. Imagine yourself floating through a portal of light or connecting with your higher self. Observe the images and sensations that arise and trust them.

3- Internal Listening Practice:During the day, try to set aside a few moments to ask yourself questions and listen to your intuition. Be aware of any responses that arise in the form of thoughts, feelings or even mental images.

4- Trust in Your Feelings: Learning to trust your feelings is essential for the development of clairvoyance. Your intuition may be subtle at first, but the more you practice, the clearer and more precise your insights will become.

5- Interpretation of Signs:Messages from the spiritual world do not always come in the form of clear words. They often manifest themselves through signs — repetitive symbols, synchronized encounters or patterns that appear in your everyday life. Be careful and take note of these coincidences.

Seek Guidance from an Experienced Professional

While it may be possible to develop your sensitivity alone, many find comfort and guidance in consulting an experienced professional. The medium and clairvoyant Dr. Fabia Silva, for example, specializes in helping people understand and strengthen their spiritual gift. With years of experience and a deep connection with her spiritual guides, Fabia offers Tarot sessions and mediumistic consultations for those looking for answers, guidance or validation of their own abilities.

Tarot Course for Beginners

If you are curious about Tarot and want to deepen your knowledge, a Tarot course could be the next step in your spiritual development. Tarot not only allows you to interpret the energies around you, but it also serves as a powerful tool to strengthen your clairvoyance. Through card reading practice, you can increase your understanding of symbols, energy and intuition.

Dr. Fabia Silva offers Tarot courses for beginners who wish to learn the art of spiritual reading. This course is ideal for anyone who wants to deepen their connection with the spiritual world and learn how to do more accurate and intuitive readings.

The Importance of Growing Spiritually

In addition to strengthening your intuition and sensitivity, it is essential to grow spiritually. This growth involves the practice of virtues such as compassion, patience and love for others. By aligning yourself with positive energies and living with pure intentions, you will be able to interpret spiritual messages with more clarity and precision.

In addition, constant practice is essential to improve your clairvoyance. The more you dedicate yourself to meditating, listening to your intuition and interpreting signs, the stronger your connection with the spiritual world will be.

Consult a Psychic and Develop Your Intuition

If you want to develop your clairvoyance or are simply looking for spiritual guidance, do not hesitate to speak to Dr. Fabia Silva. A consultation with an experienced medium can offer clarity, comfort and answers to your questions. Additionally, by taking time to practice meditation, trusting your instincts, and learning to interpret the signs around you, you will strengthen your spiritual connection.